I love the art of sketching. No pressure, No expectations, just getting it out there on paper, driftwood or whatever happens to be the canvas of the day.
Alas, summer is over - not the season, just the break. It time to start getting ready for the classroom again. What can I do to teach the same thing a different, and more exciting way? how can I compete with the hi-tech mentality of today's youth? Do I need to compete?
How much have the students remembered from last year? How much have they forgotten over the last 10 weeks?
Most of the kids are really excited when they come back to school. How do you keep that excitement up for the rest of the year?
Kids look forward to summer - Summer camp, the beach, Disneyland, hours of TV, video games & texting, etc. Yet parents wonder, what the heck am I going to do with my kids this summer. And then there are the teachers, like myself... it's a Good News - Bad News situation. We are free for the summer, yet that means we are free of income for the summer, too. Suggestions?
I've just spent a week with some great friends. Up until after midnight every night and wanting the days to never end. Is there anything better? Friends have kept me alive. Friends have filled my life with fun. And friends are something I need.